Acid Reflux: Causes and Contributing Factors

Acid Reflux: Causes and Contributing Factors

Acid reflux disease affects the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which is the ring of muscle at the entrance of your stomach valve that controls the entrance and passage of food via the mouth to stomach. Acid reflux occurs when the LES doesn’t close all the way, or if it remains slightly open, allowing stomach acid to regurgitate back up into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation, or painful heartburn. Doctors diagnose acid reflux in patients that experience regurgitation and heartburn twice a week or more. Luckily, the uncomfortable symptoms of acid reflux can be reduced by managing these contributing factors: 1. Obesity Excess weight is a main contributor of acid reflux disease (and GERD). It may also exacerbate GERD issues, such as Barrett’s esophagus, a condition involving precancerous changes in the esophageal cells. Central obesity, which accumulates fat around the mid-section adds pressure to the stomach, forcing stomach acid back up into the esophagus. Hormone imbalances in overweight individuals (i.e., excess estrogen) is also linked to GERD symptoms. 2. Certain foods and drinks Many patients with acid reflux notice worsening heartburn after consuming certain types of foods and drinks. The major culprits are high in trans fat, spice, and acid.
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Common Causes of Deep Vein Thrombosis

Common Causes of Deep Vein Thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis or DVT is a health condition that occurs when blood clots develop in one or more deep veins in the body, especially the legs. Some of the common symptoms include pain on the affected region, swelling, the area may turn reddish or colored and a burning sensation. DVT may again develop when suffering from other illnesses that affect the blood clotting process as well as lack of movements or when confined to the bed. Some of the common causes of thrombosis include: 1. Age The condition infects individuals of all age groups, but the risks increase after forty years but become precarious when at sixty. Aging slows body activities as well as becoming vulnerable to diseases; hence the condition can easily infect patients at old age. Research shows that young people may get affected by the situation but at a reduced risk compared to old people. 2. Sitting for long periods The current lifestyle comprises of more flexible means of transport and robots performing much of the tasks. As such, when the legs remain in one position for long hours multiple times for instance, routinely daily driving or flying, calf muscles contract inhibiting blood flow. Therefore, blood clots may develop on these muscles hence resulting to any person to experience blood crumbs at deep veins in the body, especially the legs.
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Common Treatments for Atopic Dermatitis

Common Treatments for Atopic Dermatitis

When talking about eczema, the first thing that a person would visualize is a red and itchy skin. It is, after all, a condition characterized by extreme skin irritation and itchiness. The condition can also occur at any age of your life and can be very lethal when left untreated. Its most common occurrence is atopic dermatitis, which is a condition that begins in childhood. Atopic dermatitis, also known as AD, is currently the most common type of eczema in the whole world. AD starts during childhood and as early as the baby’s first six months of life. It is characterized by its red appearance, particularly on the cheeks, arms, and legs. AD is not just itchy, it can be really uncomfortable. A toddler will have a hard time dealing with the discomfort. AD can also return multiple times after treatment. If your child has this condition, here are the five remedies you can do to help your child’s ease up: 1. Creams or ointments for itching One of the safest remedies to ease the itch caused by dermatitis is by the usage of special creams which controls itching. These creams can e corticosteroid cream or ointment and is excellent in providing moisture to repair the skin.
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Common Ways To Manage Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Common Ways To Manage Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (or ADHD) is the most common behavioral disorder among children, according to the American Family Physician, and cases among adults and children continue to grow. Physicians diagnose ADHD in patients by looking for a collection of telltale behaviors—including poor impulse control, hyperactivity, inability to focus, and more. After a formal diagnosis, patients and their families may not know how to cope or manage their condition daily, aside from taking ADHD medications. However, there are a variety of different management tactics and therapies you can adopt to help manage the disorder, such as: 1. Practice self care A lot of people who have ADHD can become hyper-focused on a specific task for a significant amount of time. As such, many may go without the likes of food and water while doing so. This can be extremely detrimental to your health and well-being. With that in mind, taking time to look after yourself regularly is recommended, regardless of what else needs to be done in the day. 2. Get enough sleep Not having enough sleep can affect everyone negatively, although it can have a greater effect on people who suffer from adult ADHD as it can exacerbate many of the symptoms of the condition.
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Common Ways to Manage Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Common Ways to Manage Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) management is something that many patients struggle with. Many sufferers may not know their IBS triggers while others may not be aware of the different irritable bowel syndrome treatment options that can help reduce symptoms as well as IBS flareup frequency. While medication is a common and effective way to manage IBS, there are other treatments and tips that can ease IBS symptoms, such as: 1. Adopting a high fiber diet Dietary changes are often the first step to managing IBS symptoms. In particular, many doctors recommend a high fiber diet filled with fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, whole-grain bread, rice, and cereals to relieve symptoms and regulate bowel movements. Keep in mind that while high fiber diets may help some, about half of IBS sufferers experience painful bloating from increased fiber intake. In this case, make sure to focus on soluble fiber found in fruits and vegetables vs. insoluble fiber found in grains. 2. Regular exercise While regular exercise may not relieve all of the symptoms of IBS, it has been shown to have a considerable effect on many common symptoms. Most notably, a half hour of exercise every day can help to reduce constipation and abdominal cramps.
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Effective Allergy and Asthma Treatments

Effective Allergy and Asthma Treatments

Allergies, considered allergic diseases, is an umbrella term used to classify a number of conditions caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system to normally harmless substances in the environment. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (ACAAI), allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in America, affecting more than 50 million U.S. individuals yearly. Thankfully, new and effective treatments for allergic reactions continue to aid thousands across the world. Therefore, identifying your allergy, and finding the appropriate treatment plan, is essential to your daily health. Here are the most common allergies: 1. Seasonal allergies Seasonal allergies are found in numerous patients that are reactants to pollen and dust. According to Forbes magazine, “If you’re among the 30% or so of the population with seasonal allergies, your body responds to allergens as an assault and your immune system reacts by producing histamines, compounds that cause muscle contractions and blood vessel dilation.” There are many people who face this particular allergy because of the environment we live in. Pollen and mold can be spread across a wide range of land and head right into your doorstep without any notice. 2. Pet allergies Similar to a seasonal allergy, those that are affected by animals, such as animal hair or their saliva will have health reactions to their pets.
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Effective Management for Migraine Headaches

Effective Management for Migraine Headaches

For migraine sufferers, nothing is worse than the severe throbbing, pulsing, aching pain that accompanies the onset of a migraine headache. Migraine attacks can last for several hours or even days and the pain can be so severe that daily tasks are difficult to perform. While migraines are a destabilizing force, they can be treated with medication, lifestyle changes, or even homemade remedies to help alleviate pain or prevent attacks from occurring. If you are a migraine sufferer, here’s everything you need to know about effectively treating migraine attacks. Migraines headaches are a form of headaches that many people suffer from. They differ from tension or cluster headaches by the severity of pain felt. While all headache pain can range from mild to severe, migraine headaches have an additional throbbing or pulsing like pain. People report that physical exertion (such as running or walking) during a migraine attack worsens the pain. Tension headache pain, in contrast, is associated with pressure or tightness around the head. Cluster headaches, by comparison, are described as a daily headache often caused by medication overuse. These occur less frequently than tension and migraine headaches. Additionally, there are different types of migraine headaches. For instance, migraine headaches with aura, such as blurred or spotty vision before the onset of a migraine attack is a neurological symptom of the migraine.
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Melanoma Skin Cancer: Screening and Treatments

Melanoma Skin Cancer: Screening and Treatments

Melanoma, also known as malignant melanoma, is a cancer of the skin that forms within the melanocytes, or pigment-containing cells. The most prevalent cause of melanoma is linked to ultraviolet light (UV) exposure. According to the American Cancer Society, cancers of the skin are the most prevalent cancers. While melanoma only makes up 1% of skin cancers, it is responsible for the highest number of skin cancer fatalities. There are many ways to treat melanoma. However, first several exams and screenings will need to take place to determine the stage and progression of the cancer: 1. Mole screening This is a testing procedure that the doctors will perform to identify the stage of the melanoma. This can be done with a small device, where the doctor evaluates the shape, pigment, and the size of the lesions. Another screening process that is commonly used is confocal scanning, where the doctor will use laser technology for the examination. The screening process is painless. 2. Early treatment with biopsy This is a clinical step taken for those who detect the melanoma in the early stages. The melanoma is removed surgically through biopsy, and most people who undergo this treatment usually will not require any further treatment.
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The Main Types of Anemia

The Main Types of Anemia

When your body has a deficiency in the number of red blood cells it needs, it becomes unable to carry enough oxygen to the tissues within the body. This condition is known as anemia. Anemia can come in many forms, with several different names, and each of these types of anemia has its own root cause. Some types of anemia can be treated and go away quickly leaving your body without any trace of the symptoms, while other types of anemia are long-term and though you may be able to help the symptoms, you will not be able to get rid of it. Based on what type of anemia you have, you will either experience very mild symptoms or severe symptoms (i.e., extreme fatigue, weakness, pale skin. shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pain, cold hands and/or feet, or chronic headaches) that make life difficult. If you think you may have anemia, you should get to a doctor so they can diagnose your type of anemia and start your treatments immediately. Below are the main types of anemia and the symptoms that accompany them: 1. Iron deficiency anemia When most people hear that they have anemia, they automatically think they have an iron deficiency, this is due to the fact that this is the most common type of anemia around the globe.
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The Serenity and Health Benefits of Nature

The Serenity and Health Benefits of Nature

A common illness that leads to devastation if untreated is known as depression. People who suffer from depression often turn to drugs or alcohol abuse to make them feel better, what they do not know is that they will only end up creating a more dangerous condition. Substance abuse has the power to make any depressive episode more intense. There are rehab programs that address both addiction and depression treatments that can stop the progression of both disorders and help an individual to establish a sober and healthy life. Aside from drug and alcohol treatment centers, start the healing process and path to recovery by experiencing the calming effects of nature: 1. Developing a strong connection with nature Through nature, people who are struggling with substance abuse and depression often develop a deep understanding of acceptance. It simply reminds them that they are connected to nature and makes them feel like they are part of a larger existence in a way that can’t be explained. The primary objective of nature therapy is to help patients to be one with nature, recover outdoors, and everything that is around them. 2. Regulating emotions and peace of mind According to research, being able to unwind outdoors helps reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress.
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