5 Common Probiotic Health Foods
If you want to keep your digestive system healthy, you need to incorporate probiotic rich foods into your diet. Probiotics are the tiny microorganisms that live in food that provide a number of benefits for your gut health. The beneficial bacteria can have a number of healthy effects on your body including reducing depression, promoting heart health, and improving digestive health. Some studies even suggest that your skin will become clearer when you eat probiotic supplements. Probiotics increase your gut microbe levels Using probiotic supplements is an easy way to add more probiotics into your diet. However, there are also a number of foods you can eat to get more probiotics into your gut: 1. Yogurt Yogurt is one of the top probiotic rich foods on the market. They provide friendly bacteria that improve your health because the milk is fermented by good bacteria like bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria, replenishing your gut microbe count. Eating probiotics in yogurt can help improve bone health and reduce high blood pressure. It is important to keep in mind that you need to choose your bacteria selectively, not all of them have live or active cultures. Sometimes the bacteria is killed when the food is being processed.
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