Natural Home Remedies to Soothe Colitis

Natural Home Remedies to Soothe Colitis

Ulcerative colitis falls under the umbrella of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) that result in chronic inflammation and tissue damage of the digestive tract. However, ulcerative colitis causes swelling and ulcers in the large intestine, or colon, specifically impacting the anus and rectum. In severe cases, ulcerative colitis must be managed with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory(NSAIDs), steroids, and immune system suppressing medications. Surgery may be performed (colon removal), but only if medication is ineffective. Many patients also combine traditional mediations with natural remedies for symptom relief and to reduce flare up frequency. It’s also wise to consult with your doctor prior to using the following natural home remedies for colitis: 1. Turmeric Turmeric has long been used as a natural remedy to soothe digestive and inflammation related conditions, like ulcerative colitis. For instance, turmeric is rich in a plant compound known as curcumin, which also acts as a potent anti-inflammatory, particularly for treating stress-related inflammation. In fact, 2015 research study published by the journal, Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, links curcumin to increased periods of remission in colitis patients. 2. Aloe vera While medical researchers from Michigan State University consider aloe vera promising in regards to treating inflammatory conditions, like ulcerative colitis. They warn that store-bought aloe vera juice may have laxative effects, and lead to explosive diarrhea if not used safely.
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Healthy Foods for Arthritis

Healthy Foods for Arthritis

In addition to doctor-prescribed medications and therapies, many arthritis patients turn to food to alleviate the severity of joint pain and inflammation from rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and even fibromyalgia and gout. As medical experts continue to study the positive effects on certain foods and their natural pain-relieving abilities, many arthritis sufferers swear by the following foods to relieve arthritis symptoms and reduce the severity of arthritic flare ups: 1. Turmeric This pungent, bold yellow spice is among the most widely studied natural remedy for arthritis. According to a study published by the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, turmeric has potent anti-inflammatory benefits due to high levels of curcumin, a plant compound found within. In fact, turmeric has been used as a natural remedy for joint pain in Indian culture and cuisine for centuries. 2. Tart cherries While studies are still ongoing, many arthritis and gout sufferers drink tart cherry juice daily for its pain-relieving prowess. In fact, tart cherries contain anthocyanin, a plant based ingredient that eases joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation according to research from the journal, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 3. Garlic Researchers from Dallas’ University of Texas Southwestern Medical School tout garlic, as well as leeks and onions, as a joint and bone ally.
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High Protein Foods that Benefit ADHD

High Protein Foods that Benefit ADHD

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) causes problems with inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior. It’s quite common, and it’s estimated that as many as 20% of boys under 18 have the condition. It’s estimated that 8-9 million adults in the U.S. have ADHD. While men are diagnosed with the condition more often than women, many researchers believe that the prevalence is approximately equal among men and women. You may be surprised to learn that it may be possible to reduce your ADHD symptoms by changing your diet, and it does not require an elimination diet! Neurons need protein in order to function, and large amounts of protein make it easier for the brain to repair neurons that have been damaged. Also, larger amounts of protein in the body can enhance the absorption of many medications that are used to treat ADHD. In addition, protein allows the body to produce a chemical called tyrosine, and this substance raises dopamine levels. Higher dopamine levels result in a decrease in ADHD symptoms. Even if you don’t eat meat, you’ll still find plenty of options for high-protein meals, and avocados, nuts, and eggs are quite protein-rich. If you do eat meat, any type of meat will contain large amounts of the nutrient, and these are a few great ways that you can increase your daily protein intake:
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The Right Snacks for Type 2 Diabetes

The Right Snacks for Type 2 Diabetes

If you’ve been diagnosed with type II diabetes, managing your disease with doctor-prescribed medications (i.e., insulin) as well as with diet and exercise are imperative to prevent a broad range of health issues. What you eat is just as important as following doctors orders as far as medications to help keep your blood sugar levels in check. Diabetes left untreated may result in several eyes, nerve, heart complications. Consuming a healthy diet with protein and fibrous snacks in between is important to keep blood sugar stable: 1. Turkey and cream cheese roll ups While studies do show that certain animal proteins, like red and highly processed meats, may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and associated complications, there are good options for snacking in lean and low fat meat options. For instance, dress a whole wheat tortilla with natural sliced deli turkey or chicken and smear with a bit of low fat cream cheese. Roll it all up for a conveniently portable snack. 2. Hummus and veggies Diabetes research continually shows that plant-based sources of protein are the best options for diabetes patients. Not only do beans, nuts, and legumes provide a heart healthy snack, most are typically low fat options that keep us satiated for longer as well.
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4 Most Common Allergic Reaction Triggers

4 Most Common Allergic Reaction Triggers

Food allergies cause many reactions to those afflicted by one. Anaphylaxis occurs when you eat food that you are allergic to and the immune system to overreact by releasing too many chemicals at once causing the airways to swell. This is a life-threatening scenario that needs to be addressed by a medical professional immediately. Many patients with severe food allergies also carry an Epipen. If you are lucky, a food allergy will cause mild symptoms, such as breaking out in hives and mild coughing. Here are four of the most common allergic reaction triggers that affect millions of people: 1. Milk Tons of people are allergic to cow’s milk when they are born. At least there is a good chance that they will lose their milk allergy as they get a bit older. For those who don’t outgrow the condition, it can lead to some serious trouble. All dairy products must be avoided even if they only contain trace amounts of milk. This severely limits the number of foods that people with a milk allergy can stomach. Milk allergies and lactose intolerance often get mixed up. Lactose intolerance is different because it is a condition where the body doesn’t produce enough lactase to break down any lactose that is consumed.
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Top Foods that Trigger Migraines

Top Foods that Trigger Migraines

A migraine is a neurological condition that causes headaches of varying intensity. Migraine symptoms typically present with nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound, difficulty speaking, and numbness. Migraines may be triggered by certain foods, hormonal changes, stress, exercise, and excessive drinking. The occurrence of migraines is genetically related and is more common in women than men. Migraines can either begin in childhood or wait until adulthood. Natural foods that don’t have preservatives reduce incidences of migraines. Some of the foods known to reduce the frequency of migraines include fish, fresh meat, poultry, and vitamin B12. Some other foods are known to trigger incidences of migraines include: 1. Eggs Eggs and especially egg whites are known to have high amounts of glutamic acid. Glutamic acid is one of the primary triggers of migraines. Eggs also contain high amounts of aspartic acid and phenylalanine that may cause inflammation in the brain triggering migraines 2. Onions Onions and garlic have a smell that can trigger migraines. The scent can cause changes in emotion and stimulate the trigeminal nerve leading to inflammation and shrinking of blood vessels 3. Dairy products Milk and other dairy products trigger the production of IgG which is a top allergen and causes migraines.
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Safe Human Foods Dogs Can Enjoy

Safe Human Foods Dogs Can Enjoy

Dogs are carnivorous, and their digestive system is different from humans. In fact, veterinary professionals indicate that some human foods can be a source of toxins if consumed by canines. However, some human foods are relatively safe for dogs and provide essential nutrients and other health benefits (i.e., regulate digestion, shiny coat, healthy teeth, etc.). Here are some of the human foods that can dogs can enjoy safety: 1. Apples Research studies have identified that dogs require vitamins such as A and C to lead a healthy life. Some of these nutrients are commonly found in fruits such as apples. Also, apples are rich in fiber critical in regulating digestion. If you own a dog, make a point of feeding it with an apple once or twice a week and help him control his digestive system. However, avoid feeding your pet with rotting apples as they have been linked with dog toxicity. 2. Dairy products Some of the dairy products such as cheese, plain yogurt and milk are also safe for dogs. However, such products need to be fed in minimal quantities. The aspect is linked to the fact that overeating of these daily products causes digestive problems among dogs.
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5 Foods That Can Cause Breathing Problems

5 Foods That Can Cause Breathing Problems

While the right doctor prescribed medications, inhalers, and breathing therapies can help control the symptoms of COPD and asthma, such as chest tightness, wheezing, increased mucus, and fatigue, it’s also important that patients with these inflammatory breathing conditions pay close attention to their diets. There are many foods that have been shown to trigger breathing problems. If you suffer from allergies, asthma, or COPD it may be best to limit your intake of the following foods 1. Cabbage You may be surprised to find out that cabbage can cause breathing issues. It is one of the healthiest foods that you can eat. It is rich in antioxidants and also contains anti-cancer properties. However, cabbage has a tendency to cause bloating after you eat. If you are bloated, then it will be harder for you to breathe. 2. Sugary foods It is best to avoid sugar as much as possible. Sugar has a tendency to cause inflammation, which can worsen the symptoms of asthma. The lungs also have to work harder when the body is trying to metabolize sugar. Sugary foods have simple carbohydrates. If you consume fewer simple carbohydrates, then your body won’t produce as much carbon dioxide. Your lungs will not have to work as hard.
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6 of the Worst Foods for High Cholesterol

6 of the Worst Foods for High Cholesterol

High cholesterol refers to a condition where cholesterol levels in one’s body have risen to a point where it creates a medical risk. An overabundance of cholesterol can cause abnormal deposits upon blood vessels. This will eventually restrict blood flow or trigger heart attacks through clotting. It usually refers to LDL rather than HDL cholesterol. HDL helps remove LDL from the body. High cholesterol is due to genetics, environment, lifestyle and often the following foods: 1. Fatty meats like lamb beef and pork Meat is usually seen as a necessity in any given meal. People tend to associate it with satiety, protein and a balanced diet. However, modern understanding of nutrition suggests that meat should be eaten more sparingly. This shouldn’t be taken to mean that one needs to give up meat. But in general the average person would benefit from reducing meat intake. This can turn into an even healthier choice by adding some vegetable based proteins. Beans, some nuts and tofu consumption have all been associated with decreased LDL and increased HDL. The LDL vs. HDL cholesterol discussion is complex. One can consider HDL as “good cholesterol” and LDL as “bad cholesterol”. HDL essentially works to remove the clot inducing LDL from the body 2.
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The Top 3 Vitamins and Foods for Sleep Problems

The Top 3 Vitamins and Foods for Sleep Problems

Many of us don’t consider vitamin deficiency when we’re struggling to get adequate sleep. In fact, a bout of insomnia has us hard pressed to think logically about anything at all. However, certain vitamin deficiencies are commonly the cause of sleep problems, and often a simple change in diet (incorporating valuable vitamins or foods that promote sleep) can greatly help. The American Sleep Association estimates that roughly 70 million adults suffer from chronic sleep problems in the U.S. Not to mention that lack of sleep is quite dangerous, resulting in car collisions, heart issues, gastro-intestinal ailments, and so much more. Luckily, the simple incorporating of the following foods and vitamins can help you get a restful night’s sleep once again: 1. Magnesium If you’re struggling with sleep, magnesium is the first vitamin your health care provider will recommend, and with good reason. Magnesium is responsible for the production of melatonin, an essential hormone for sleep regulation. If you suffer from pain or muscle tension during sleep (or as you’re trying to fall asleep, which is very common), this vitamin calms the body and mind, preventing the clenching of muscles with GABA, an amino acid that soothes the central nervous system.
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