The Top Foods that Promote Brain Health

The Top Foods that Promote Brain Health

The most important and complex organ of the human body is the brain. The brain consumes a lot of energy and needs the right fuel to perform at optimal levels. A major factor in dementia prevention, as well as other brain illnesses, is food. So, what are the nutrients that make for the best fuel?

There are plenty of delicious foods that can boost your brain health. Adopting good eating habits when it comes to brain maintenance can help you combat mental problems such as:

  • Cognitive decline
  • Dementia
  • Alzheimer’s disease

If you want your brain to function better, Developing a healthy diet is key to dementia prevention as well as other illnesses. Over 5 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and about 20 percent of adults 65 years of age or older suffer from Mild Cognitive Decline. Start implementing these brain-boosting foods in your life today and you’ll become a candidate for longevity in your mental health:

1. Avocados
Avocados are loaded with monounsaturated fats lower blood pressure. They also promote radiant skin thanks to rich stores of vitamin K, prevent blood clots and sharpen memory and focus. Put avocados in your salads, sandwiches, or make delicious guacamole as a snack.

2. Beans
Beans beans are good for…blood sugar maintenance. In fact, eating beans and legumes is linked to reduced blood sugar in prediabetic patients. Beans also offer plenty of fiber, which promotes good bowel health and lengthens lifespan. Put beans in your soups, stews, or rice for a brain boost.

3. Blueberries
These beautiful blueberries are loaded with antioxidants, which reportedly reduce cognitive decline and chronic inflammation associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. You can add blueberries as a side dish during any meal or freeze them and then put them in the blender for a delicious smoothie.

4. Broccoli
These little green trees are loaded with vitamin K, glucosinolates, and choline, all of which improve memory and focus. Broccoli goes great in a veggie omelet, add it to your soup, or toss it into some chicken for dinner.

5. Dark Chocolate
You heard correct, chocolate of the dark variety is loaded with flavanols (antioxidants), which reduce blood pressure and optimize blood flow, specifically to the brain, which provides anti-inflammatory benefits. Melt chocolate in a pot with some almond milk for a delicious hot chocolate drink that will make you feel warm and fuzzy.

6. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Olive oil of the extra virgin variety is rich in polyphenols (antioxidant), which improve focus and memory, as well as help reverse and fight against brain toxins. Use extra virgin olive oil for all your cooking needs to give your brain that boost.

7. Green Tea
The green brew has been long linked to improved memory, focus, and awareness due to rich stories of polyphenols (antioxidant). Plus, it’s a nature stress beater, as sipping tea helps you to relax. Make it a habit to replace sugary drinks and soda with green tea.