Superfoods for Managing Gout

Superfoods for Managing Gout

While gout is, historically, a common condition, it affects people today just as much as it did in the Elizabethan age. Gout is essentially a form of arthritis. It describes the condition in which your joints become suddenly inflamed. They may even start to swell and typically cause a great deal of pain. While there are medications that can treat gout, by and large, by including a good gout diet, you can manage the symptoms and condition of your gouty arthritis.

This article will go over some of the superfoods that can be used to manage your gout:

1. Tart Cherry Juice
Besides having an incredible impact on your sleep, tart cherry juice can also be an effective tool to help gouty arthritis. This is because it’s full of antioxidants that work to reduce the amount of inflammation in your body. Since inflammation is what causes swelling and pain in the first place, by removing it, your gout can be easily managed.

2. Fruits
Besides just cherry juice, other fruits can be great for a gout diet to ward off inflammation and pain. Many of them also contain antioxidant properties that also help reduce inflammation and can make your overall health a lot better. You might want to focus on cherries and other fruits that contain uric acid because these are the food types that are most effective at reducing inflammation.

3. Vegetables
You can never go wrong with adding vegetables to your diet. Potatoes, mushrooms, leafy greens, eggplants, peas, and other vegetables are all great ideas to include in your diet. Even spinach and bell peppers can be added for an especially healthy meal.

4. Coffee
Interestingly enough, if you happen to enjoy a good cup of coffee, then it may also help reduce your gout symptoms as well as prevent gout from forming in the first place. In quite a few studies, researchers saw that those who drank coffee regularly saw a 59% decrease of risk in developing gout later in life. This is likely because coffee often contains uric acid as well. So, if you want to help reduce the symptoms of your gout, then you might want to start your day off with a cup of coffee.

5. Nettles
Another powerful nutrients to help reduce inflammation is nettles, which is an herbaceous perennial flowering plant. Typically, you can buy nettles in tea form. By drinking tea with nettles regularly, you can help your symptoms and potentially prevent gout from forming. Besides tea, you can also typically get nettles as a supplement which you can add to your daily intake.

6. Fish oil
While you should try to remove fish, itself, from your diet, you should still take fish oil. This is because fish oil contains rich omega-3 fatty acids. These guys are quite effective in reducing inflammation. Fish oil is also often used to treat arthritis, so it stands to reason that it would work well to manage gout and its painful symptoms as well.